Saturday, August 22, 2009

Congratulations to JavaRanch Alfresco3 ECM Book Winners

This week, all the authors of the book (Munwar Shariff, Vinita Choudhary, Amita Bhandari, and Pallika Majumdar) were on JavaRanch to promote the book "Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management".

This promotion was held in the EJB and other JEE Technologies forum which can be found here:
The winners who received a free copy of the book are:
Jessica Sant (21685)
Paras Jain (93558)
Navin Porwal (213234)
Alaa Nassef (164104)

Congratulations to the winners.
More details can be found at:
Alfresco 3 ECM Implementation on A new book, worldwide service, 10% discount.